The Power of Network Marketing

         In the beginning. I want to explain to you what is Network MarketingBack in the 1934. Some people was created a first company in this area. named "California Vitamin" and came up with a concept of Multi Level Marketing. Or in other term called the "MLM" 

            Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called pyramid selling network marketing, and referral marketing is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company's products/services, while the earnings of the participants are derived from a pyramid-shaped or binary compensation commission system.

             MLM salespeople are, therefore, expected to sell products directly to end-user retail consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing, but most importantly they are incentive to recruit others to join the company's distribution chain as fellow salespeople so that these can become down line distributors. According to a report that studied the business models of 350 MLMs, published on the Federal Trade Commission's website, at least 99% of people who join MLM companies lose money. Nonetheless, MLMs function because down line participants are encouraged to hold onto the belief that they can achieve large returns, while the statistical improbability of this is de-emphasized. MLMs have been made illegal or otherwise strictly regulated in some jurisdictions as a mere variation of the traditional pyramid scheme, including in mainland China.

           "Network marketing" and "multi-level marketing" (MLM) have been described by author Dominique Xardel as being synonymous, with it being a type of direct selling. Some sources emphasize that multi-level marketing is merely one form of direct selling, rather than being direct selling.Other terms that are sometimes used to describe multi-level marketing include "word-of-mouth marketing", "interactive distribution", and "relationship marketing". Critics have argued that the use of these and other different terms and "buzzwords" is an effort to distinguish multi-level marketing from illegal Ponzi schemes, chain letters, and consumer fraud scams.

            The Direct Selling Association (DSA), a lobbying group for the MLM industry, reported that in 1990. Only 25% of DSA members used the MLM business model. By 1999, this had grown to 77.3%.By 2009, 94.2% of DSA members were using MLM, accounting for 99.6% of sellers, and 97.1% of sales.Companies such as Avon, Electrolux, Tupperware, and Kirby were all originally single-level marketing companies, using that traditional and uncontroversial direct selling business model (distinct from MLM) to sell their goods. However, they later introduced multi-level compensation plans, becoming MLMs.The DSA has approximately 200 members while it is estimated there are over 1,000 firms using multi-level marketing in the United States alone.

And now i'm going to talking about the Power of Network Marketing

the power of network marketing.The numbers that are coming up are just amazing and it's at a point where it just keeps on increasing.

here's whats the power of network marketing looks like:

we had over 172 thousand joined weekly in USA. And  more than 330 thousand joined weekly in the world.


       My challenge for you to is to contact three people a day about your network marketing business EVERY DAY for the next 12 months.  If you did that, you would talk to at least 1,095 people. Even if you could just personally sponsor five to ten percent of these people you would have between 50 to 100 personally sponsored reps in your business.


             What would your business look like if you did that?  What would your business look like if you could get three, four, five, even 10 people on your team to do the same thing?  I’ll tell you what would happen.  Your business would EXPLODE.  You would have huge momentum and growth in your business.  And you would make money!
You can’t fool yourself anymore.  If you want a big organization you need to do what most people aren’t willing to do.  The best thing about the Power of Three in Network Marketing is that it isn’t that hard to do and it’s not all that time consuming either.  You can incorporate this into your day to day life while you are out and about living life.


           All you really need to do is step out of your comfort zone, stick out your hand, and say hi to people.  The worst thing people will tell you is NO.  The best thing about it is you will meet some really neat people that you wouldn’t meet otherwise AND you will find some real winners to work with in your team.
I hope you will leverage the Power of Three in Network Marketing and start sharing

 your products and business opportunity with three people a day starting today.  Do that and something magical will happen in your business.  Don’t do it and you will keep getting more of what you are already getting.

  • Now i Will tell you simple examples and powerfull

       about Network Marketing

1- Network Marketing Professionals Know Their Target Market. You MUST understand your audience best suited for your small business opportunity. You must be in touch with their needs, there inner most desires for change. You must know what drives them to want to better their life. Knowing the people that would like to lead a different, more satisfying life will help you succeed in network marketing.

  2-Network Marketing Professionals Do NOT Chase Family and Friends.  One of the first things that most network marketing companies have you do, when you join them, is ask you to create a list of ALL your family and friends so you can reach out to them with your home-based business opportunity. This list of names is known as your warm market. The worst thing you could ever do for your personal life and friendships would be to make your future meetings awkward. It is suggested to leave your friends and family approach tucked away, for just a little while, at least until you understand proper network marketing prospecting and recruiting better (if you have the support and backing of an experienced network marketer there with you, then go for it). For some eye-opening and educational teaching, follow the link for the High-Energy & Authoritative Network Marketing Invitation Process – where the secret formula of the Network Marketing Pros will be Revealed!.

3-The Network Marketing Pro NEVER Stops Educating Himself
YOU must put in the time to work on yourself daily. The top leaders and top income earners in today’s network marketing world are also top learners. These network marketing professionals are avid readers with a daily ritual of self improvement. If you were to research any of these leaders, you will discover that they have a sizable bookshelf of accomplished reading.

Simply put, if you take a look at any one who’s made any significant amount of money in this network marketing industry, you will be assured that they work on their personal development daily and have the library to back it up.

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