Multi-level marketing (MLM) or Network Marketing is one of direct selling forms.In this highly competitive business world, it would not be possible to market even popular products without proper network marketing and most of them use facebook for their network marketing.Network marketing as a new marketing strategy, brings more and more broad developing space to Modern Corporation with the advantages of extensive radiation, low investment and quick effect. In addition to sophisticated forms of online marketing like search engines and online advertising, Community, interactive and other new forms of marketing have also emerged. Many Chinese immigrants start their entrepreneurship business by joining major network marketing businesses in Western host countries. MLM has become a very important part of corporate marketing strategy. With the depth and the development of network marketing, how to evaluate the performance of network marketing business has become an important issue. This book focuses on the matter and shows benefits of network and introduces models of MLM business entrepreneurial action and also its benefit such as reducing the cost of advertisements with a success example.
Network marketing, New bocome Is one of the
fastest-growing business models of the past few decades. Between 1993 and 2003,
total direct selling revenues grew by 7.1% annually, dramatically above the
rate of growth of the economy — and of total retail sales (according to the
Direct Selling Association).
The most prominent examples of direct selling companies include Amway, Avon, Mary Kay, Nu Skin, and Herb life, which recently went public. In 2003, U.S. total direct selling sales totaled more than $29 billion, or almost 1% of the over $3,397 billion for total U.S. retail sales (U.S. Census Bureau). Now i will talking about most successful characters in the Network Marketing area
As we have said .. The network marketing area is very successful field .. You can and with the least effort and less investment and anywhere can you work .. until you become the most successful person in the world .. You can succeed and you are young and only a year after joining the field .. Reverse traditional functions that are upgraded in very difficult
1-Igor Alberts & Andreea Cimbala
Igor and Andreea started in December 2017 with
their team with crypto currency Dagcoin.Igor Alberts started his network
marketing career 30 years ago at the mother of all networks: Amway.
He was
not an overnight success in MLM, in his first 5 ‘“ 10 years he hardly made
money. He did not give up. In the last 10 years he moved fast up the ranks
in different opportunities and his present opportunity is again a major win. Igor
Alberts ‘“ is born in the Netherlands, his business partner Andreea Cimbala is
from Italy.
2- Rolf Kipp
IN ForEver Living Products.
German top earner Rolf
Kipp has hit the $9000,000 per month mark, making him currently the nr.
3 Top Earner in the world according to the Business For Home ranks. He joined
FLP in june 1995. His estimated career earnings with Forever Living Products
are $100 million. Rolf started earlier: Thanks to my parents, I found out
about FOREVER. My mom had a kidney disease, which caused her skin to be
paper-thin. My father, who unfortunately died 2 years ago, was diagnosed with
prostate cancer. Do you want to change your life too? Do you have dreams and
aspirations waiting to be fulfilled? Do you crave financial freedom and
independence? Forever Living Products offers undreamt of opportunities and
perspectives. Almost everyone dreams of reaching high places in life, everyone
dreams of being successful. What you can do to achieve this can be learned in
my book, “The Most Beautiful Business on Earth”. Therein, the ultimate business
model of the present and the future is discussed – referral marketing with
Forever Living Products. With my program for success, I have managed to reach
the pinnacle of Forever. You can do this too. Take your destiny into your own
hands! Write your own success story! I have summarized everything that you need
to know in my book, in order to for you to achieve this. I hope your enjoy your
reading experience.
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