Revivot - Choosing a Network Marketing Company

Please understand that, with this list, I am talking with reference to long term network marketing success and long term residual income.

1. The Company itself: I immediately discount ANY start-up company. I don't care if the company is founded by someone who has successfully done it before, or by a billionaire celebrity entrepreneur, of by anyone else who "impresses." The whole concept often touted is "get in at the top & ride the wave that will ensure your success" or "with this well known successful billionaire as a founder your success is guaranteed"...or something along these lines. In this industry, one would have to really try hard to speak anything that is more "BS" that this type of talk.

* It is absolutely essential that the company founder/s and managers are of the highest business talent, best reputation, and experience possible.
* However...all these people can do is provide you with a fantastic, well run & managed vehicle through which YOU may be able to achieve success. Hear me well...they cannot & will not guarantee your network marketing success with their company. That is entirely up to you, your skills, your personal development, your action & your persistence ALONE will determine that.

* The "failure" and "success" rates is/will be the same as with any other well managed MLM company.
* I want to see 4 or 5 years of successful operation & expansion, good public acceptance, good reputation, proven products, etc. before I will my pour my life, time & resources into building my network marketing success with any company. Remember...think long term.
2. Publicly Traded OR Privately Owned: Both have their positive & negative aspects. Personally, I will not join up with a publicly traded network marketing obviously privately owned is my choice. (I know this opinion is the opposite of many!)

* It is often said that publicly traded companies are more accountable as their books are more open to scrutiny. Probably generally don't have to look far to find publicly traded companies that have rigged the books & have given false impressions of financial management. So being publicly traded is absolutely no guarantee. If the founders/managers want to be dishonest they will find ways of being so irrespective of whether they are publicly traded or privately owned.

* To me the issue here is really "who are the company managers aiming for approval from...who are they running the company to primarily benefit"?
* In the case of will absolutely be to benefit the shareholders. This can...and often the expense of the interests of the distributors & representatives that are busy pouring their lives & resources into to achieving their own personal network marketing success by building their business. The focus will be on what the shareholders (who mostly know nothing about network marketing) perceive will bring increased profits. The well-being & success of the distributors will be at the bottom of the consideration list. They just do not understand that successful distributors mean a more profitable company.

3. % of Revenue Paid out in Compensation Plan: Anything over around 50% and you've immediately lost me. I'm just not remotely interested in working my butt off for 2 years to then have the company go belly up. It may sound great to promote "we payout 75% (or more) of revenue to our distributors". Problem is that history has shown that it is not sustainable in the long term and these companies usually fail sooner or later.

They may go fine while economic circumstances are reasonable. But when things get tough & business perhaps we'll see who thinks it's amusing to lose their hard-earned "residual income" because the company went broke. Maybe there are some out there that can do it...I'm just not willing to risk doing all the hard yards only to lose any network marketing success I may have achieved.
4. The Products: I might be a bit controversial here...but ah well, I'll worry about that later.
Firstly let me say (again) that I am speaking here from the perspective of creating long term residual income (& I mean real residual income...not where you need to keep working in order to keep getting paid)
Please understand that I'm not saying that you definitely shouldn't join one of these companies as they can be excellent companies...I'm just trying to make you aware of what usually happens. The 2 or 3% of distributors who are super successful may well be able to overcome or work with these situations...but they can bring some serious discouragement to the other 97 or 98% of people, making network marketing success more difficult and/or more unlikely. DO NOT look for a product that you can fall in love with & passionately believe in, and then decide you will go out & sell it. ie...don't focus on the product. This is back to front. Instead, focus on the people & the market. Find a mob of people raving about a product THEN fall in love with THAT product! Be a passionate advocate for it. If you find a product with a HUGE market and fall in love with that product you will be able to sell it. You need a product that people will buy even if there is no compensation plan attached to it.
* I really don't want to sell products that have a significant customer drop-out probability...for the simple reason that I don't want to keep on having to personally sell more every month or so to replace lost volume (or customer points...or whatever the company chooses to call it). That would mean it is very hard to "retire". (to me...long term network marketing success means not having to work anymore).

My experience is that you can lose existing customers for many reasons. If you lose them because you didn't "look after them"..that really is your own fault & not what I'm referring to here. I guess I don't really regard as "work" something like sending out a card of appreciation, or a thank you email, or Facebook message...or whatever method you may employ to keep an occasional contact with your customer base.
* Products that I'm not interested in selling are ones that people would probably like to use...but may not be able to afford them for the long haul. They may well be brilliant products and your customer really would like to use them for the long term, they can see the benefits of using it/them, maybe even "need" to use them...but because they don't normally use them they have to find significant space in the weekly/monthly budget to purchase them. These customers will nearly always be short term only...meaning you will have to replace them sooner or later.
This is no reflection on the products themselves, they may be brilliant...just the reality of what people will do. Into this category, I would place most (if not all) MLM nutrition products, weight loss products, juices, skincare, etc. I have been in a company that sells some of these...I know how fast customers fall away when the budget tightens for whatever job loss, reduction in working hours, taken on another commitment, a mortgage interest rate rise, etc. (The products themselves that we used were brilliant...but only affordable for a few months or until a goal was reached).
* Products that I am very interested in selling are those that people are already using anyway...especially those they can't live without. Or if they theoretically can live without them they already are so accustomed to having them that not having them is not considered an option. And they are already fitting into the budget. These are products or services that will have very high customer retention...meaning very seldom having to replace lost ones.
With a good personal customer base and a good team with a good customer base that I get paid commissions on and little or no customer this is what I am calling real residual income. I don't have to keep working if I don't want or need to...& that to me is what network marketing success is all about. Very cool indeed!!
This article is part A of a larger article. I will continue with part B in my next post. Make sure you check back for the remainder of Network Marketing Success - Choosing A Network Marketing Company.
I would sincerely love to help you accomplish your personal network marketing success along with your dreams that drive you. You can check out my website here for a duplicatable free turnkey training and attraction marketing system for your network marketing success or simply click the links below.

I am very successfully building an awesome life long residual income in the Network Marketing industry. I have been in two network marketing companies in the past...with dismal results. So I know the feeling of failure. As a result, my view of this industry wasn't overly positive...although I really knew all along that it was, in fact, a brilliant business model.

I believe the failure rate in the network marketing industry is mostly due to poor or total lack of mentoring & training made available from up-lines...also the fact that many up-lines treat their prospects like just a number. These people are recruiters...not sponsors. They never get to know you, your dreams, your partner's & kid's names, your WHY...anything about you.

If you want to know more. JOIN TODAY with Revivot

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