Revivot - Why Network Marketing is the best marketing survival strategy for a recessionary economy

     When marketing budgets are tight, everyone wants to know how to get the maximum return on investment. Don’t underestimate the power of Network Marketing when creating a marketing survival plan for the current economy.


Network Marketing may seem like it’s old hat when compared to the hype of email, online and search marketing. Every media channel has its place in your media mix, but don’t overlook the long-standing, and resurgent benefits of Network Marketing.
Network Marketing offers powerful advantages—precise targeting, comprehensive market coverage, a wide variety of formats, long shelf life and reliable measurement.
When planning your next campaign, consider the following advantages Network 
Marketing has to offer:

Target your Network Marketing and lift response—it works!


If there is a number one advantage for Network Marketing, this is it. If you know your prospect portrait, then you can build a reliable Network Marketing model that will allow you to adjust your mail quantities to get the response you need. No other media channel allows you to do this with the reliability of Network Marketing.

Network Marketing data is an increasingly powerful tool.

Prospect portraits can now be built with a wider and deeper range of data elements including demographic data, psycho-graphic data, personal interests and hobbies, income and economic indicators, purchase and transaction history, life events, and more. This wealth of data builds more predictable models.

Maximum predictability in an unpredictable world.

 Results vary from campaign to campaign. But a well-planned Network Marketing campaign that is based on previous testing and continuation results will give you the most reliable results of any media alternative.

A Network Marketing campaign continues working for you—for years.


 It’s not uncommon for mailers to receive orders from a Network Marketing campaign years after the mail date. Email campaigns are over in DAYS. When comparing the short-run costs of Network Marketing vs. other media channels, don’t neglect the impact on your long-term ROI.

Your mailbox is less cluttered that your email inbox.

 It’s harder than ever to get the consumer’s attention these days, but the mailbox is now less cluttered that the email inbox.


Do you ever go look at those old emails you’ve saved?
 Who does? But people commonly save Network Marketing offers, piles of catalogs, coupons—and they do go back to them.

People read their mail. 

Snail mail, that is. The majority of consumers (of ALL ages) still go through their mail on a regular basis. Trying to reach a younger audience? Good luck with email. They are all on MySpace or Facebook or texting on their mobile phone.

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”

 This inscription on the General Post Office in New York City can’t be applied to email. With SPAM, CAN-SPAM, filters, varying browsers—the delivery of your email message is never a sure thing.

Mail is a real thing. 

You can hold it, save it, pass it on, review it later. A mail package can be original, personalized, enticing. It can enclose a sample of your product. You can captivate the consumer in ways email never can.

These days consumers are looking for bargains. 

Consumers scour their mail looking for coupons and bargains, now more than ever. Network Marketing is the most effective way to offer a discount/coupon promotion.

Network Marketing reaches the whole family. 

Network Marketing goes to a household. You have a much higher chance of reaching other members of the family with Network Marketing than email.

Network Marketing is more personal.


In a world where everyone is trying to create ambient intimacy with social networks and online communities, receiving a highly personal piece of mail can still be the most personal invitation of all. There are so many advances with variable data printing, that Network Marketing can be highly customized and generate exceptional returns.

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