1. Quickly Profitable:
Unlike traditional businesses, which generally
speaking take 3-5 years before they even think about seeing a profit, in
network marketing, depending on what you are doing, you could see a return in
2. Ability To Involve Your Kids:
Since you can work from home, you can involve
your kids, and teach them a strong work ethic and social skills. Working around
your schedule is a plus in order to spend more time with your kids taking them
to that ball practice, with you being able to stay and watch. With your kids
around you, they see what you do, how you do it, learn how to be entrepreneurs,
as well you can also involve them in your business and have them do projects
you choose for involving them in your business. I can’t think of a better way
to instill a good work ethic in your children.
3. Build Your Business By Using The Internet:
The internet is changing the world as we use to
know it. The possibility of reaching a greater audience for your business is
just at your finger tips. Here you can focus on people who are only interested
in what you are selling. This makes any advertising cost much lower. With the
traditional business, yes this can be done, depending on the type of business,
but the cost for a traditional business can be far greater than what you will
experience because you are reaching out to people one at a time.
4. Training In Place And Readily Available:
Because Network Marketing is a system
which has many independent distributors, the companies typically have training
available at your fingertips. Why not learn from those that have already proven
their success.
5. No Employees:
This in it self should make you take a serious
look at network marketing. There are no payroll worries, tax worries, workers
compensation worries like you would have in a traditional business that are all
cost associated with employees. No one asking for salary increases or just
plain old making sure others are getting the work done for you. The only
employee you need to worry about is yourself.
6. Huge Demand For Excellent Products:
marketing companies are famous for creating revolutionary products that hit the
market by storm. The huge demand for these products makes it easier to sell.
Also, the products are designed specifically to generate repeat business.
Network marketing has enabled brands to grow into multi-billion companies
through endless chains of agents who ensure that the multiple levels keep
growing and advancing progressively.
7. Leveraging:
Leveraging is a magnificent tool for building
wealth. In network marketing, building your network and watching it grow is of
paramount importance. Multi-level marketing helps customers find what they
need. When you and your team work together by developing a collective mindset,
the business begins to build itself. You start enjoying the benefits of network
marketing. For example, you can go for a vacation and make money while at it.
When you teach others how to do business you reap the rewards as well, creating
win-win relationships.
8. Communication
Communication skills are the main part of your life because
it matters a lot, what are you saying. Your communication way defines your
overall personality and behavior. I have met a lot of people in the past few
days, they have not communication skills, and did not select for the
interviews. And after that this scenario, I have realized that
communication skills are too important in the whole life. And Then I joined a
network marketing company.
9. Low Entry Fee:
One reason why you should
consider Network Marketing is because you do not have to break a bank to start
it and you still have an opportunity of earning well. Many legitimate MLM
companies I know requires just little startup fees and in most cases this fee
is paid just once (one-time). For example, Alliance in Motion Global Nigeria
requires you to purchase product pack worth N38,000 to become a life member,
Helping Hands International is just N6,600, while Swiss golden is about N46,000
etc. While there are options of registering multiple accounts, you can start
with a single account and still earn well depending on your passion and work
put in.
10. It Can
Be Done Part-Time:
The Network Marketing
industry is the only industry in the world where you choose WHERE, WHEN and HOW
to work. Unlike many other industries, you do not have the right to decide when
and how to do your job. Your Boss/company tells you when you should resume the
office and in most cases when you should leave the office as well. As a banker,
my normal office resumption time is 8:30 am meaning I should be in the office
by that time but sometimes we will be required to be at the office as early as
8:00 am when we have morning briefings/training. What am I trying to point out
here? Whether as a banker, government, onshore or offshore worker, you do not
have total control of your time but Network Marketing business is so flexible
that you can be on your full-time day job and still do well in it.
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