Revivot - Social Media 2

1. Build a Base Audience of Friends and Family

Once you get your Facebook page up and running, the next thing you need to do is to invite friends and family to “Like” the page. Inviting friends and family to like your page is advantageous because it sets you off with a digital footprint on Facebook and it provides you with a valuable test audience.

Use your initial audience to:
- See what types of posts attract the most engagement – do people engage more with photos/videos or insider tips?
- Crowd-source ideas and suggestions for your business – ask people what they want to know and see
- Generate word of mouth marketing through your networks – ask people to share and invite others to like your page
Promoting a business page that doesn’t have much life or engagement isn’t going to do much to help your business. Focus on building a quality audience first. The natural activity that fills up your page from that quality audience will then serve to promote your page.

2. Offer Promotions and Facebook Contests

Another way to promote your Facebook page is to offer something of value in the form of an offer or Facebook contest or giveaway. The more interesting the incentive or deal, the more likely it is to generate “shares” and “likes”.

Promotional offers and Facebook contests include:
- Offering customer discounts for “shares” and “likes”
- Holding a name drawing for products or services your business – keep a record of new followers and pick a winner
- Host an event (and create the event on Facebook) that your fans would want to share and bring friends to – get the word out about a new product, a cooking demonstration, or a tasting event

3. Provide Interesting and Helpful Content

Social media pages are for being social. Chances are that you’re not going to make $1 million selling products on Facebook but Facebook isn’t about selling; it’s about connecting with your audience. Facebook page promotion is best done by connecting with your audience through interesting, useful, relevant, and helpful content.

Relevant content includes:
- Timely tips and tricks – decorating ideas or pictures for upcoming holidays, seasonal industry information
- News and events – provide information about upcoming industry events or business events
Interviews – interview a customer or important person in your niche and post a video
- Behind the scenes – show behind the scenes video or pictures of your business or events
The higher the quality of your content, the more likely it is to get noticed and shared. When your followers share your content on Facebook, your business page is getting promoted for free. For more posting tips, check out How to Improve Your Social Media Posts.

4. Share Promotional Updates

Did you know that you can actually promote your Facebook business page by promoting your products and services? If you strive to keep customers up to date on your offerings through Facebook, you’ll be posting regularly, showing your audience that you want to keep them in the know, and attracting customers to your business—all of which serve to promote your Facebook page (and business) for free.

Here are some ways to engage in this Facebook page promotion strategy:
- Share updates on your most popular products
- Promote new products, seasonal specials, and offers and deals you are running
- Post about extended or adjusted store hours
- Let customers know when a product is back in stock

5. Share Customer Feedback

Customers are the lifeblood of your business, so share their thoughts with others. Use customer feedback as a way to engage other customers or open a dialogue. Tag customers in their feedback to increase the visibility of the Facebook post. If you don’t have any customer feedback, get some! Customer reviews are very important for small businesses.

Don’t forget about user-generated content! Get your customers to post about your business on Facebook and tag your location so that they are promoting your page to their networks.

6. Interact with Other Businesses and Influences

Another way to extend the visibility of your Facebook business page is to extend your network. Extend your network on Facebook by liking and interacting with the Facebook pages of other businesses or influences in your industry/niche. Link other businesses or influences to your posts for cross-promotional marketing. If you link or share the updates from other businesses or influences, they will be more likely to link to or share yours.

You should also follow local news media and people with a large influence – people who have lots of followers. Try to use the same conversation-starting tactics to gain access to their audience. If you’re not already connected, learn more about connecting with influences in your industry.

7. Engage with Individuals

A great way to get more likes and followers to your business’s Facebook page is to interact and increase engagement with those who follow you or comment on your posts. If an individual comments on your post, thank them and follow up with a question related to the comment. Facebook’s algorithm shows your interaction with individual users on the news-feeds of users who follow your page as well as the individual’s Facebook feed.

Another way of engaging with individuals is to tag people in pictures or Facebook updates. Tagging not only alerts the individual to the fact that they were mentioned in the post, but it also shows up on others’ news-feeds.

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